
72 Audio Reviews

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Nothing really POPS, but there's a lot I like here. The drums are cool, I like the main riff, the flute-y instrument that chimes in at 1:18 is pretty cool. This would lend itself as a part of a soundtrack very well

emilyomily responds:

Thanks for the feedback!

I love hearing local references, even if it is morbid lol

But yeah, this is the kind of hip hop I love hearing on newgrounds. Got a chill beat and flow, it sounds like you enjoyed making it. Hope you're planning on releasing more this year

Hell yeah. Started listening to your old stuff on here too, they're all great

pixxapo responds:

Thanks mate! the old stuff is with my other band Major Fret :) when we get our new album sorted I will upload that too!

I'm in love with the guitar tones & effects. Listening with headphones, the slow modulation gives this spinning merry-go-round effect which just works so well with the chords and lyrics. I'd agree with Io about the vocals being stark, but it doesn't really break the atmosphere for me. This is honestly one of my favorite songs I've heard on here, I hope I get to hear more from you

I think the comparison between Susan and Tom really hit the nail on the head as to why Newgrounds is so special. I doubt Susan can name too many youtubers. That's why she got Will Smith for YT Rewind, she sees more value in people who are established elsewhere. Meanwhile, it seems like Tom takes the time to try and view everything that's posted on here, or at least the people he follows but that's still thousands of people. Idk how he does it, I'm convinced he's on another plane of existence, I mean it would explain why he's 40 and looks like he's still in his 20's... At any rate, with the internet becoming so corporate and streamlined, it's nice to have a website you can feel like you're a part of, as cheesy as that sounds

Always cool to hear your broad range of instruments come together, gratz on frontpage!

GameBoyFireworks responds:

Thanks Towny!

My dad works for Nasa, I'll pass on the kind words lol. He showed me some tracks Nasa posted on their soundcloud of converted radio frequencies that some of their space equipment measures. If you want some cool sounds to experiment with, check em out

Syntrus responds:

That is very kind thank you

Tool has always been a band I hear about but have never actually listened to. You guys should recommend me some albums to start with, cause the way you described it piques my interest.
Anyway, great episode guys, thanks for opening with my demo :D

GoodL responds:

The only Tool albums I've listened to so far are Lateralus and 10,000 Days, but I'll be continuously updating my journey into their discography as the podcast goes on. 10,000 Days is my fave of those two though.

Nice tones, they all mix really well

DUDE! I was at the same concert! Royal farms in Baltimore, right? Small world, man. I drove up from VA to see em with my girl, it was a great show. BTW, you're right, Kim Deal left the Pixies a while ago

ACoupleOfCrickets responds:

Haha! Sorry, the one I went to was in Columbia SC. But yeah, that show was incredible. Glad you caught them as well!

- littlbox

I always enjoy feedback: good/bad/borderline-harassment/I don't care

Matt @Towny

Age 29, Male


Audacity tutorials from 2007

Newport News, VA

Joined on 2/17/07

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