In the wake of this "migration of artists" I decided to hop on Newgrounds to see how the communities and cultures of the sites would mesh. I've always been lurking on the site on-and-off ever since I could read, but I made it a point to get involved in the community this time. So I packed my proverbial bindle of songs I've recorded, and here I am. In the two weeks since I've been back, I've just got to say... The community here has probably been the most involved and constructive I've seen on the internet (hell I might even argue it's better than some of the venues or open mic cafes I've found myself in). Seeing my song get frontpaged last week was a bit surreal (thank u based fulp), just knowing all those people opened their ears to something I made is a pretty cool feeling.
Audio as an artistic medium is inherently slow to digest; It's not a picture you can judge at a glance, it's a commitment that requires constant attention and agency... And this community seems pretty damn patient and thoughtful. And for that, I've been excited to be back, and it feels like a place I'd like to stay.
Okay, okay, I'm going back to writing tabs before this turns into a circlejerk.